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Friday 31 May 2024



*Porn was not made for entertainment or fun it was made purposely to destroy both the actors and their viewers. It feeds man with lust and makes him hungry for more thus opening their souls for demonic possession. That is what result in masturbation, rape, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Sodomy, Pedophilia and all abominable sexual act.*

1 Corinthians 6:18-19 *Flee fornication. Every sin that a man does is without the body; but he that commits fornication (sexual immorality) sins against his own body*. 19. What? know you not that *your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost* which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own?

*Ignorant (ungodly) men and women love to watch porn for fun not knowing that they are inviting demons of lust to themselves.*

*It is a great doorway for demonic entrance*. They don't need to have spare keys to
be in your room. *They only need you to watch*
their product and they will come in through the
walls! If you sit down alone to watch
something on the TV please have it in mind that you are not alone.

*There are evil beings looking out for your*
*weaknesses to attack or better possess you*. When demons get to know that you are weak in a particular area, they will make it difficult for you to overcome it. You will understand why people keep on falling back into the same sin over and over again!

*The good news is, you can still win and*
*overcome! in Jesus. Through discipline, prayer and fasting.* Otherwise, those demons will put stumbling blocks in your paths to trap you so we can't afford to be careless friends.

James 4:7-10 *Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you*. 8. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. *Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.* 9. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. 10. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. -

*Sadly so many men and women, including some ministers are hooked to porn and are struggling to overcome it after seeing the damaging side of it*. Even some very spiritual pastors fall into it. We should know that the actors are being used by demons to go to that extreme to degrade their bodies because of the money involve and some say because the fleshy pleasure they receive. Frankly money and earthly pleasures are the biggest traps of the enemy to take souls to Hell.

*Many Married men and women who get addicted to porn find it difficult to sleep with their own spouses, and when they do they never had enough satisfaction;* young men and young ladies who are not married will also masturbate and have sexual bouts in dreams mostly with spiritual husband and wife.

Porn is very addictive, it is easy to watch but
hard to walk away from. They have labelled it
as *"adult channel"* it isn't so it is *abominable channel!!* A colleague of mine told me years
back that it is alright to watch porn with your
spouse if you are married, that was a lie! I disagreed with him. I wasn't as ignorant as he was. If Jesus wouldn't watch why should we? knowing that we are His bride and His temple.

*People who watch porn end up having strong*
*irresistible sexual urges, because they have invited the demon of lust to live in them.* Once
the spirit brings up the desire you can't stand the pressure but do it with whoever you get, whether your close relative, a child or even animal .

*This has landed many into prison.* The rate at which sex offenders are increasing is alarming in our society. Friends, close your eyes from watching obscene pictures before it destroys you. Some people have the nerves to
post porns on Christian sites on Facebook and other social media.

Please delete or block such people straight away! *They are sending people to hell! More than 90 percent of things you watch on TV and social media are produced by people who are not seeking to glorify God or help you*. Mostly they are into business and are obligated to mix their products with Godly ideas to camouflage the worldly or evil contents. *Their goals are not to help you go to Heaven in the opposite they are after your money and soul*.

A man who was addicted to porn confessed that his whole life was destroyed by it. It distorted his image on how he viewed women. He saw women as nothing more than mere *"sex tools"*

Romans 6:13 *Neither yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin:* but yield yourselves God, as those that are alive from the dead and your members of righteousness unto God"

What will help one to overcome this sin is the holy fear of God in a man, knowing that it will be a shame to set your eyes on vulgar images when the Lord is seated next to you.

*Porn is deadly,*
*Destroy it before it destroys you*.
*Keep yourself pure!!!*
*You are God's temple!!!!
No wonder many marriages today looks like ordinary ceremonies since there is sincerely nothing new that begins as a result of formal solemnization of the relationship between the new husband and wife in the secrete, every honey has been taken away from the moon now left with ordinary moon.*

*written by Fridox and edited by Dominic Atshem*


I get lots of questions on masturbation most especially from ladies -yes, *ladies masturbate a lot, especially virgins*. Guys also masturbate. There is no debate on that. I'm not here to argue about who masturbates most, I need to deal with a serious issue.

*Sexual urge for virgins and girls watching or exposed to nude and love making pictures is strongly initiated without their consent*. What makes it stronger is the novelty, newness, the emotions, desires generated, the mystery and the hear says about sex.

*Masturbation is fondling your genitals consistently to achieve orgasm*. Ladies may stroke their clitoris while guys rub, massage or caress their penis. I decided to give explicit explanation because some ask me what masturbation is. Some ladies especiallly non-virgins use candles, banana, small bottles, sticks, dildos or whatever represents a penis and do solo sex (having sex by yourself). Clearly, it is wrong to masturbate. *God created sex and the urge of it to be used in a well defined environment of marriage for procreation and for unity between a husband and wife.* The Bible never talk about sex for pleasure like we are hearing all around today.

From teenage upward, you will have an attraction for the opposite sex and if you have been hearing or seeing things related to love making, you will have a strong desire for sex. It's a sure sign you are normal and capable of having and enjoying sex in marriage. *In your 20s it will be stronger and intense!* In the pass and still in villages today, couples are married in their early twenties. *If for other reasons you are in your twenties and single, you may wake up feeling horny for no single reason in the world or go hot on spotting a curvy lady!*

*You may start noticing shapes and curves and you have to shake your head several times to keep the image off*. You may get worked up on watching a romantic movie and discharge something. You check up and discover you are wet. All these are normal, you haven't committed any sin only that your body and mind are telling you you are ready for procreation.

*The body is simply responding to God's command to be fruitful*. You are ready to marry if you cannot contain yourself. *Apostle Paul on this issue said, "it's better to marry than to burn. And that to avoid sexual immorality let every man have his wife, and every woman her husband." (1Corinthians 7:2-9)*

*You didn't create your body and it is wrong to go against the Creator's program He has put in your body to be used in a way well determined.* So what then do you do when you are not yet married but you are getting hot and horny? Have sex? I know you know my answer which is God's answer get married. Please, for your future sake, FLEE SEXUAL IMMORTALITY.

*You have so much to lose sexually when you masturbate. Abstaining from this degrading act helps you feel relaxed, confident, have normal sexual intercourse and enjoy the pleasures that comes with sex IN MARRIAGE!* While many of our youths engage in premarital sex, and some singles will never be caught dead sleeping around, so what do they do? They masturbate! They give themselves release and pleasure through solo sex while claiming virginity at theseame time. Masturbation is completely wrong and not the way out.

Let me explain:

1. *Masturabation is not done in isolation*. It is done with the image of someone in mind. It can be a lover, an EX, a celebrity, a married person, a crush, someone you like but incapable of having. You imagine having sex with them while masturbating. That is MENTAL FORNICATION or  ADULTERY. (Matthew 5:28)

2. *For ladies, while inserting all manner of objects, you may mistakenly deflower yourself and also introduce infection into your genitals and womb*. It will be very difficult to convince your future partner that you never had sex with man except objects during your solo sex. Some are even sleeping with dogs, pigs, animals and sexual toys.

3. *You kill your ability to enjoy sex in future.* Millions of women don't enjoy sex in marriage which leads to sexual frustration, adultery, lesbianism and feminism. If you are used to getting orgasm by yourself, you won't be able to get it from your husband.

*If you are used to objects in your private part, you won't have feelings for your husband's penis. You will always think of something harder, bigger, longer, larger and completely unrealistic*! Women who complain their husbands' penis are too small didn't marry as virgins. They must have been promiscous as singles.

4. *You will not have a good sex life as a man.* You will experience pre-mature ejaculation and your wife won't enjoy you leading to acute sexual frustration in marriage. You need self control to fully enjoy sex and give your wife maximum sexual pleasure. A woman enjoys sex when the man can go on for at least 5 to 7 minutes before ejaculating. This includes caressing and kissing.

Because you are used to instant release from masturbation, you may not be able to go more than a minute before exploding leaving your wife completely unsatisfied and frustrated. She may close up, become frigid and stop having sex altogether which may lead to you having an affair, she having an affair or both of you having an affair.

Self control before marriage helps you enjoy sex to the maximum. You are able to delay ejaculation, go on for a long time and have excellent orgasm while giving your wife pleasure too. That is why total virginity pays!

5. *If you do not suffer premature ejaculation, you may have serious problem with delayed/ retarded ejaculation.* A situation where you get erection for several hours without ejaculation or orgasm. What is the benefit of sex without orgasm? Rough masturbation with your hands kills your ability to feel/enjoy sex with your wife. It is hell for a woman to be under a man who for hours unable to ejaculate. How will the woman get pregnant? It's the reason some women are seemingly "barren" and can't talk to anybody out of embarrassment.

6. *You start having sex in the dream with a known or unknown person (demonic entities other wise known as spiritual wife and husband).* Because you opened the door, the demons and evil spirits will come and mess up your God-given destiny.

7. *You feel drained, dirty, empty, useless and powerless after each act.* Don't take it for joke. You are on your way to Hell, no matter how righteous and holy you appear outside. It is called hidden sin. Nobody knows except you and God.

8. *You start getting unsatisfied and wants the real thing*. You fantasize more about sex and start longing for the real act.

9. *You get a warped and ungodly view of the opposite sex.* You see them as sexual objects and start having sex with anything in skirt or trousers -you become promiscous.

10. *You get damaged, hurt and broken emotionally,

physically and spiritually*.

11. You are at risk of hell fire! *You are inviting demons into your body and thus have already pushed yourself out of the narrow way of Heaven*. Many who masturbate end up depressed, unhappy and finally commit suicide.

*These and more are the consequences of masturbation. They damage you and shatter you to pieces!*  What then should you do with your sexual urge? How do you handle the constant hunger for sex?

1. *Avoid all dirty pictures, pornography videos, pictures and hot, romantic movies -they are powerful sexual triggers and attack directly your soul!* What you see, hear and say will certainly affect your mind and life.

2. *Avoid friends and people who say dirty, lewd and obscene things*. Stop all sexy banters with friends and say only things that are pure, holy, needful, positive and helpful. (Philippians 4:8)

3. *Get busy with your life, education and career, there is more to life than sex even if you are married.* But if you are above 18 years old and cannot contain yourself, please get married. You can be married and continue your studies.

4. *Avoid spending more time and money seeking games, entertainment and carnal pleasures*. Rather invest in the kingdom of God and help others come to God and live godly.

5. *Study the word of God day and night*. Do it a lot especially Psalm 119 and Matthew 5, 6 & 7. When you are filled with the word, you have no space for the devil and his demons in your heart.

6. *Pray and seek to speak in tongues always.* It will strengthen and sanctifies you.

7. *Make friends with and learn from godly and God fearing people.* Go to godly and safe places and keep Psalm 1:1-3 always in mind.

8. *Avoid pornography and all romantic movies. Nowadays even our so called Christian movies also have romantic and sexual appealing scenes.* Remember Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Jesus Christ and the saints never watched television. You will not die if you stop watching them movies or TV.

9. *Get busy in kingdom service and activities. Be addicted* to the Bible and Prayer under the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

10. Finally, *sincerely give and live your life for Jesus Christ. Be born again and stay in Christ.* He will surely help you out. Seek and keep tightly the fellowship and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

*Masturbation is wrong, bad, demonic, destructive and sinful. Avoid it and end it with speed if you are deeply involved in it. Jesus can help you*. Pls share with friends you might save somebody's future and life.


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