170. Why call this an ordinance?
It is a Christian ceremony.
177. Is it a command?
It comes to us rather as a divine suggestion
178. If not an absolute command, why observe it?
Anything brought to us through the suggestion of the divine inspiration merits our prayerful consideration.
179. Who should administer it?
The elders of the church (James 5:14).
180. Why not elders of some other church ?
For the same reason that you would not send for them to administer the communion.
181. Does not the oil referred to in James 5:14 mean the “oil of grace?”
Man cannot anoint with the “oil of grace.”
182. Is this obligatory upon all sick people?
We believe that if this were an absolute command it would have been given in that form. As it is, we
regard it in the same light that we regard the preceding verse.
183. What promise is coupled with the anoint
“And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed
sins, they shall be forgiven him” (James 5:15).
184. Should anyone be anointed who has not faith that these things shall be accomplished?
It can not be the “prayer of faith,” unless faith is exercised in these promises.
185. Is it not appropriate to have the anointing just before death?
The Bible is silent on this. The anointing spoken of in James 5:14,15 is for healing and raising up; not an
unction of the soul.
186. Is it not every sick man’s privilege to be anointed and healed? If this were so, no one would die
except because of failure to live up to his Christian privileges.
187. Is there an instance in the Bible to show that the apostles suffered a case of sickness among the
faithful to go by without bringing about instant healing?
“Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick” (2 Timothy 4.20).
188. Should small children be anointed?
Not any more than they should be baptized.
189. What evidence have we that only persons who are right before God should be anointed? The Word
says, “If he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.” Only people with the right attitude toward
God can have their sins forgiven.
190. Do we conclude from this reference to sins that sin is the cause of the sickness?
Not necessarily. The presence of that word “if” shows that James recognized that a person may be sick
without having committed sins.
191. Under what circumstances, then, should a person be anointed? When a person is so sick that it
becomes necessary for some power to “raise him up”, when he has fully resigned himself to God so that
in case he has committed sins he is in shape to have them forgiven; when he has prayerfully considered
this question in the light of God’s promises, and has full faith that “the prayer of faith shall save the
sick, and the Lord shall raise him up”; then it is his privilege to “send for the elders of the church, which
privilege should not be neglected.
192. What spirit should pervade all prayers?
“Thy will be done.”
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