Jews in the exile - Christian Short Sermons and Tamil Sermon Outlines

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Friday 19 February 2021

Jews in the exile


Kingdom of Babylon existed only for a short period. After the death of the prominent king 

Nebuchadnezzer, the kingdom was withered and later came to an end. Nebuchadnezzer had 

expanded his kingdom in a large measure. It was one of the famous empires in the east. It had 

fortifications, hanging gardens – that was one among the seven world wonders in those times, 

grand and beautiful palaces which were world famous. Nebuchadnezzer died in 562BC and 

his son Evil Murdock succeeded him (II Kings 25:27-30). After two years of his reign, his 

son Nerger Shareser came to power (Jer.39:3). After four years of his reign, Nabonidus 

succeeded him. Since he was physically weak, his son Belshazzer ruled as a replacer. 

Babylon Kingdom was fallen during his time.

* Babylonian exile 

Exile was not of all the people but of royal priests, prophets, economically leading 

men of Judah, elites, land owners and military leaders were taken into exile. Landless poor, 

widows, physically challenged were remained in Judah (ordinary people, folk of the land). 

Exile was positive for some people such as poor people and oppressed. 

Social condition 

* People left in the land were happy because there was no oppression from their own 

community. The poor people had more land. 

* On the other side there was no standing army for them. So they were exposed to danger and 

insecurity. The neighboring countries have great opportunities to attack Judah. Some of the 

cities of Judah have taken by other such as Gilead was taken by Amonites. 

* The economic condition was so weak. 

* The Babylonian made the Jews to cultivate their land and asked tribute. 


* The people were happy about their living. But the prophets were not at all happy because 

the people were losing their religion. Those who exiled adopted the Babylonian cult and 

religion. Idol worship increased heavily. 


Judah lost its kingship. The idea of kingship was completely destroyed. The tribal spirit was 

also gone. So the Judian families lived with constant confront with the number of other 

nationalities.Condition of exiled people (gola) in Babylon

* In the beginning of exile the people were sad but later it turned upside down. Most of the 

exiled people were upper class, skilled people, and they know the technique of farming. 

Because of them the economy of Babylon was increased. So the exiled people were very 

happy. Babylonian made the Jews to settle in colonies and gave liberty. They were given 

state service like military, they had mixed marriage. The Jews in Babylon contributed to the 

development of city especially architect. 

* In the exile Jews lost their religion. So in exile there was Jews group who wanted to renew 

Jewish religion. They were called as “salvation group.” They tried to reconstruct the Jewish 


Egyptian Exile 

One group of people went to Babylon whereas at the same time another group of people went 

to Egypt as exiles. It was compulsory deportation. The people went to Egypt voluntarily 

because of the fear of Babylon and other countries. Moreover, they were insecure of other 

nations. When people faced famine in Judah they went to Egypt. They wanted to be rich and 

prosper. They settled on lower and upper Egypt (Jeremiah 44:1). We don‟t know the exact 

number of the people those who went to Egypt.

* Some people they engaged in scribal works. 

* The religious condition of the Jews in Egypt was much better than the Jews those who are 

in Babylon. They were allowed to have small temples of Yahweh in Egypt. Religious 

p[practices were there in order to keep their religion alive. 

* There was another group in Egypt who motivated theologically to have renewal of their 



Cyrus the Persian king attacked Babylon in a decisive war at Oppeze near Tigris River and 

defeated the Babylon kingdom. Right after Cyrus came to power, he issued a decree of 

freedom for Jews. Some of the parts of the decree issued by Cyrus are stated in Ezra 1:2-4, 

6:3-5. He also issued a decree to rebuild the temple and those who had the desire to go back 

to Jerusalem were permitted to return to their native land.

Jerusalem temple was rebuilt under the leadership of Zerubabel. When the temple was rebuilt 

they got the facility to worship their God. It was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah 

regarding Cyrus Isaiah 44:28.Darius III was the last Persian emperor. When Alexander the Great attacked him, Darius 

could not defend against him. Thus Mede-Persian Empire also came to an end.

Condition of Jews in this period 

* Israel did not achieve restoration as if they had before the exile. Of course they had some of 

the process of restoration which emerged from the pressure of the Persians. 

* Judah gone back to the pre- state structure. There was no army or tax. 

* Most of the people thought that they are no more suppressed community. They could feel 

their freedom and liberty. 

* They started to restore their religious and cultural activities. 

* No more deportation but only restoration (King Cyrus returned back all the vessels that 

captured during the exile). But many people were hesitant about the restoration and 

suspicious about the new community. 

* There was not lot of Job opportunities in Judah but in Babylon there were lot of 

opportunities for Job. So, many Jews did not come back to their own land but settled in 


Greece or Hellenistic period 

Alexander the Great was the prominent and mighty Emperor of Greece. When he returned 

after conquering the then known world, he died prematurely at the age thirty-three. After the 

death of the Emperor his four military captains, who were Cassender, Lycimaccus, Selucus 

and Ptolemy, divided his kingdom, Ptolemy was deputed as the king of Egypt and Selucus 

Syria. Kingdom of Syria became more powerful than the other kingdoms. Selucus I to IV 

ruled the nation respectively. But Selucus IV was murdered by Antiochus Ephiphanus and 

took over the government. The Jews suffered severely during his reign. The freedom of 

existing religious ordinances was bunged up. Freedom of worship, observance of Sabbath, 

sacrifices and circumcision were completely prohibited for the Jews. He built an altar for the 

god Zeus in the temple of Jerusalem and offered swine in the temple. Thus he dishonored the 

temple. Those who circumcised their children were put to death as household. Those who 

denied dishonoring the Sabbath day were killed ruthlessly and about a thousand was 

slaughtered in one day (I Macc. 1:60, 61.

Mattathias, an old priest gathered some followers and fought a guerrilla attack. Judas the son 

of Mattathias was the chief of this rebel group and had won many victories (I Macca. 2:44-

48). Judas was known as “Maccaby” which mean “A Hammer”. His followers were known as 

Maccabees. Their warfare was known as „maccaby battles‟. In 164 BC they recaptured thetemple of Jerusalem and rededicated it with much celebration exactly after the third year of 

the desecration of the temple by Antiochus Ephiphanes. Antiochus Ephiphanes died in 164 


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